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Orchestration Basics Contract Testing Guide

Here, we will walkthrough the testing setup for the Orchestration Basics demo contract, orca.contract.js.

Table of Contents

This document provides a detailed walkthrough of the orca-contract.test.js file. This test script is designed to validate the functionality of the Orca contract within the Agoric platform using AVA as the testing framework.


The orca-contract.test.js script performs various tests, including:

  • Installing the contract on Zoe.
  • Starting the contract.
  • Registering chains.
  • Orchestrating accounts.
  • Verifying results via vstorage queries.

Import Statements

The test script begins by importing necessary modules and setting up the test environment:

import { test as anyTest } from './prepare-test-env-ava.js';
import { createRequire } from 'module';
import { E, Far } from '@endo/far';
import { makeNodeBundleCache } from '@endo/bundle-source/cache.js';
import { makeZoeKitForTest } from '@agoric/zoe/tools/setup-zoe.js';
import { startOrcaContract } from '../src/orca.proposal.js';
import { makeMockTools } from './boot-tools.js';
import { getBundleId } from '../tools/bundle-tools.js';
import { startOrchCoreEval } from '../tools/startOrch.js';

Setup and Context

The makeTestContext function sets up the testing environment by creating necessary mocks, bundling contracts, and initializing services:

Initializing Zoe and Bundling Contracts

const makeTestContext = async t => {
const { zoeService: zoe, feeMintAccess } = makeZoeKitForTest();
const bundleCache = await makeNodeBundleCache('bundles/', {}, s => import(s));
const bundle = await bundleCache.load(contractPath, 'orca');
const tools = await makeMockTools(t, bundleCache);
  • Zoe Initialization: makeZoeKitForTest() sets up a test environment with Zoe
  • Contract Bundling: The contract is bundled using makeNodeBundleCache, which caches the compiled contract for faster testing.

Mocking Dummy Storage Node

const makeDummyStorageNode = nodeName => {
    return Far('DummyStorageNode', {
        makeChildNode: async (childName) => {
            console.log(`makeChildNode called with name: ${childName}`);
            return makeDummyStorageNode(childName);
        getPath: () => `/${nodeName}`,
        setValue: (value) => {
            console.log(`setValue called on node: ${nodeName} with value: ${value}`);
            return value;

Storage Node Mock: A mock storage node is created to simulate interactions with vstorage. This node can create child nodes and store values.

Mocking Dummy Marshaller

const makeDummyMarshaller = () => {
    return Far('DummyMarshaller', {
        toCapData: (data) => ({}),
        fromCapData: (capData) => ({}),

Marshaller Mock: A dummy marshaller is created to handle data serialization and deserialization.

Setting Up Agoric Names

const agoricNames = Far('DummyAgoricNames', {
    lookup: async (key, name) => {
      if (key === 'chain' && (name === 'agoric' || name === 'osmosis')) {
        const state = {
          chainId: `${name}local`,
          denom: name === 'agoric' ? 'ubld' : 'uosmo',
          expectedAddressPrefix: name === 'agoric' ? 'agoric' : 'osmo',
          details: `${name} chain details`,

        return {
          makeAccount: Far('Account', {
            getChainId: () => state.chainId,
            getAccountAddress: () => `${}AccountAddress`,
            getBalance: () => `1000${state.denom}`,
      } else if (key === 'chainConnection' && (name.includes('agoric') || name.includes('osmosis'))) {
        return {
          connectionName: name,
          sourceChain: name.split('_')[0],
          destinationChain: name.split('_')[1],
          transferChannel: {
            version: '1',
            state: 'open',
            portId: 'transfer',
            counterPartyPortId: 'transfer',
            counterPartyChannelId: 'channel-1',
            channelId: 'channel-0',
      throw Error(`Chain or connection not found: ${name}`);

Agoric Names Mock: A mock service for agoricNames is set up to simulate looking up chain information and connection details. This is crucial for testing how the contract interacts with different chains.

Creating Cosmos Interchain Service

const cosmosInterchainService = Far('DummyCosmosInterchainService', {
    getChainHub: async () => ({
        registerChain: async (name, details) => console.log(`chain registered: ${name}`, details),
        getChain: async (name) => {
            if (name.includes('agoric') || name.includes('osmosis')) {
            return {
                chainId: `${name}local`,
                denom: name === 'agoric' ? 'ubld' : 'uosmo',
                expectedAddressPrefix: name === 'agoric' ? 'agoric' : 'osmo',
            throw Error(`chain not found: ${name}`);

Interchain Service Mock: This service simulates interchain operations, such as registering chains and retrieving chain information.

Final Context Setup

return { 
    storageNode: makeDummyStorageNode(),
    marshaller: makeDummyMarshaller(), 

Returning Context: The function returns an object containing all the initialized services, mocks, and tools required for the test environment.

Installing the Contract

The first test installs the Orca contract using zoe:

test('Install the contract', async t => {
  const { zoe, bundle } = t.context;
  const installation = await E(zoe).install(bundle);
  t.log('installed:', installation); installation, 'object');

Starting the Contract

This test starts the Orca contract using the Zoe service and mock services we created earlier:

test('Start Orca contract', async t => {
  const { zoe, bundle, cosmosInterchainService, agoricNames, storageNode, marshaller } = t.context;
  const installation = E(zoe).install(bundle);

  const privateArgs = {
    orchestrationService: cosmosInterchainService,

  const { instance } = await E(zoe).startInstance(installation, {}, {}, privateArgs);
  t.log('started:', instance);

Orchestration Account Scenario

The orchestrationAccountScenario macro for testing the orchestration of accounts across different chains. This macro handles everything from account creation to verifying results using vstorage.

Macro Definition

const orchestrationAccountScenario = test.macro({
  title: (_, chainName) =>
    `orchestrate - ${chainName} makeAccount returns a ContinuingOfferResult`,

Purpose: This defines a test macro, orchestrationAccountScenario, that takes a chain name as a parameter and tests the orchestration process.

Title Function: Here, title generates a descriptive name for the test, including the chain name, so we can easily identify it in test logs.

Chain Configuration Validation

exec: async (t, chainName) => {
    const config = chainConfigs[chainName];
    if (!config) {
      return`unknown chain: ${chainName}`);

Configuration Check: This test begins by validating whether the provided chainName has a corresponding configuration in the chainConfigs object. If not, the test fails immediately.

Purpose: This makes sure that the test is only run for recognized chains, avoiding unnecessary errors.

Setting Up the Testing Context

const { zoe, bundle, cosmosInterchainService, agoricNames, storageNode, marshaller } = t.context;
t.log('installing the contract...');
const installation = E(zoe).install(bundle);

Extracting Context: The test destructures several key elements from the testing context we set up, including Zoe, the contract bundle, and services like cosmosInterchainService.

Contract Installation: Using E, we invoke the install method on zoe, passing the bundleId as an argument. This is the first step in the 2-step, contract deployment process. Next, we need to start the contract instance.

Starting the Zoe Instance

const privateArgs = {
    orchestrationService: cosmosInterchainService,

const { instance } = await E(zoe).startInstance(installation, {}, {}, privateArgs);

Private Arguments: The privateArgs object is prepared with essential services and dependencies that the contract may require.

Instance Creation: Zoe is used to start an instance of the contract with these arguments. The test verifies that the instance is successfully created.

Creating an Account Invitation

const publicFacet = await E(zoe).getPublicFacet(instance);
const initialInvitation = await E(publicFacet).makeAccountInvitation();

Public Facet Access: The test retrieves the public facet of the contract instance, which provides access to public methods.

Account Invitation: An invitation is created using the makeAccountInvitation method. This invitation will be used to create an account on the specified chain.

Making the Account Offer

const makeAccountOffer = {
    give: {},
    want: {},
    exit: { onDemand: null }, 

const offerId = 'offerId';
const initialUserSeat = await E(zoe).offer(initialInvitation, makeAccountOffer, undefined, { id: offerId });

Offer Structure: The makeAccountOffer object is defined, detailing what the user is offering and what they want in return. In this case, both give and want are empty.

Making the Offer: The offer is submitted using Zoe's offer method, and an offerId is assigned to track the offer. The result is captured in initialUserSeat.

Retrieving and Verifying the Offer Result

const offerResult = await E(initialUserSeat).getOfferResult();
t.truthy(offerResult, 'Offer result should exist');

Result Retrieval: The test retrieves the result of the offer using getOfferResult.

Verification: It asserts that the result is valid, ensuring that the account creation process was successful.

Querying vStorage for Verification

const qt = makeQueryTool();
const wallet = 'test-wallet'; 
const { address, currentWalletRecord } = await queryVstorage(t, qt, wallet, offerId);

vStorage Query: The test uses a query tool, qt, to check the state of vstorage, verifying that the wallet's state reflects the new account's creation and that the offer ID is correctly recorded.

Address Validation: The retrieved address is checked to verify it matches the expected format for the chain.

t.regex(address, new RegExp(`^${config.expectedAddressPrefix}1`), `Address for ${chainName} is valid`);

Continuing the Offer

const continuingInvitation = await E(publicFacet).makeAccountInvitation();
t.truthy(continuingInvitation, 'continuing invitation should be created');

const continuingOffer = {
    give: {},
    want: {},
    exit: { onDemand: null },

const continuingUserSeat = await E(zoe).offer(continuingInvitation, continuingOffer, undefined, { previousOffer: offerId });
const continuingOfferResult = await E(continuingUserSeat).getOfferResult();

t.truthy(continuingOfferResult, 'continuing offer should produce a result');
t.log('continuing offer result', continuingOfferResult);

Creating a Continuing Invitation: The test generates a new invitation for a subsequent offer, ensuring the contract can handle repeated interactions.

Making and Verifying the Continuing Offer: The test submits a new offer and verifies that the result is as expected. The previousOffer parameter links this offer to the previous one, simulating an ongoing interaction.

Test Execution

test(orchestrationAccountScenario, 'osmosis');

Running the Test: The test is finally executed for the 'osmosis' chain, validating the entire orchestration process from account creation to offer continuation on that chain.